Although we are all spinners and love to make our yarn, we do not limit ourselves to this sole preoccupation. Some of us knit, some crochet, some latch hook, some sew, some weave! We enjoy getting together once a month to socialize as we work our craft.

We are composed of hand spinners (drop spindle) and wheel spinners. We mostly spin wool, but have had alpaca show up, soy, and synthetics. We have several sheep owners in our midsts, so there is a lot of talk about animal care etc. We will now start meeting at the Metamora Public Library.

We are not a closed community and are open to new members at any time.  If you wish to join us, please contact us at biztekgeek  @  yahoo .  com.

2 Responses to “Spinners all – limits none”

  1. Debbie Henkle Says:

    Hi. I saw your group at 7-ponds spinning. I did not get a chance to talk to anyone about your group, because there was a large crowd around you, so I decided to look you up. My friend and I are spinners and are looking for a group of people to spin with. We were wondering if it would be o.k. to come join you next week and check your group out?

  2. Jenny Says:


    I’m so glad I came to your spinner’s group last week with my friend, Deb. I had a great time, met wonderful ladies and re-visited old friends! So many talented fiber artists…count me in as a new member!

    Jenny, Sheepy Hollow, Armada, MI

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